A fantastic weekend for performers from Troqueer Primary School!
On the evening of Friday 6th March and all day Saturday 7th March over 30 pupils took to the stage to perform their rehearsed pieces for visiting adjudicators - Brian Marjoribanks and Bruce David Adam at our local speech festival.
Pupils received very promising adjudications from both judges and received Merits, Commendations, Distinctions and Outstanding scores on their performances.
We are so proud of each and every one of our pupils and believe public speaking to audiences is a fantastic life skill that we foster here at Troqueer.
Many pupils received great remarks on their certificates and we were fortunate enough to have winners and special mentions across many categories. Pupils brought home an amazing 14 trophies from this event. (Mr Armstrong is looking at extending the trophy cabinet!)
Thank you to parents and carers for your continued support. I am proud to work at such a hard working and talented school.
Mrs Jane Johnston